Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Psychopathology or being crazy

Psychopathology is the clinical word for what people used to call ( and sometimes still) being Crazy.
If you listen to the first video to your left, there is a very interesting testimony from a young woman diagnosed with bipolar disorder( we'll get to that later).

She explains the difference between having a mental disorder (or a psychopathology) and living a "normal" depression episode.
Symptoms might be similar, for example Dany is diagnosed with major depression, his symptoms are: loss of interest, drastic change in appetite and sleep, suicidal thoughts (amongst others). Dany feels demoralized and doesn't seek help. He's been feeling like this for almost 6 months.
Marianne's mother just died she now lost appetite and can't sleep at night, she doesn't want to go to school or see her best friends anymore, she even told her psychologist she misses her mother so much sometimes she would want to go meet her...

Dany and Marianne are living what psychologists call major depression.
To be called depression, these symptoms need to last for 6 to 24 months.

The difference between Dany's depression and Marianne's:
Dany's depression was not triggered by any stressful event. Dany would most probably be diagnosed with major depression and be prescribed antidepressants. Dany will have to take the drug for the rest of his life.
Marianne will also take drugs but she will slowly come back the way she used to be, as time and therapy goes by.
Anyone could live a depression the way Marianne did, but only a few will live with depression for the rest of their lives, like Dany will.

Then why some people have mental disorders and others just episodes?

Scientists and mental heath professional are still trying to figure it out.
the most common answer to it is that mental illness is multi factorial.

And that will be the subject of my next entry. Until then, be safe and please talk to anyone you trust if you recognize yourself in Dany or Marianne.


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